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(My) Humans of Ghana Pt. V

"We come here everyday at 7am to start preparing the lunch that is served from 11am going. There's about 200 students from KG-P6, So we must begin early. There are 5 of us so somehow that makes it easier. Each person has a job. Two fetch the water, one brings the pots, and two begin preparing the food. The program only started 2 years ago, just after you arrived, so we are new, but we understand everything. We just built the storage building this year, last year we had to bring all the food from the house. And sometimes the borehole near the school spoils so we use the one you build last year, we are happy for that. The food is the same every week: Monday is jollof, Tuesday is beans and gari, Wednesday is TZ- we all know that's your best-, Thursday is rice and beans and Friday is Banku. People from GES came and picked the cooks here, they give us 100cedi a month and buy the food, it's good for us to be making 100cedi a month and it's good the students get to eat. Before this programme they would let them go home for lunch but almost none of them would come back to finish the day, now they have to. It must be so hard for the JHS students, they're grown and learning hard subjects but they don't eat all day. It's hard to be in school but even more hard to be made to study on an empty stomach. We need to try and get a feeding program there too but the students wont pay and the women wont work for free so what do we do?" - School Cooks of Yagha

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