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(My) Humans of Ghana Pt. III

"We start coming to the borehole at a very young age. You know like we want to follow our older sisters and our mothers around and they come here so we do too. They start having you carry a water basin at like 5 or 6 but you know just a small small one. Maybe around 10 you can carry a bigger one and then by 13 you can carry these big ones. Then once you become 10 your mom gets happy because then you have to help her fetch water everyday for the family. She doesn't like to fetch water for 10 or more people alone so she'll make you do it too. But its really not so hard because all of our friends come at the same time and we just sit and gossip about school and other stuffs so it becomes fun. And when the little girls see us having fun they want to come here so that's how the little girls start too. We've seen you try and lift the jerry can, you don't do it right. Maybe you can start with carrying the one the 5 year olds do. One day you can carry the middle size but never this big one. You're trying though, we like seeing you try it's funny!" -The Queens of the Borehole

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