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In my twenty-something years on this Earth (don't you know its rude to ask a lady her age), I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by the most beautiful and breathtaking: people, places, and things. 

'She who dreams of places unseen, of moments not yet occurring, of feelings long since felt. She who feels homesickness for distant adventures. A far-sickness that gnaws on the core of who she is. She has a need to find the place, the time, the where that she is meant to be. Fernweh is stamped upon her soul.' ~M.M. 

My love for travel and exploration started after I graduated from High School in 2011, which is when my mother and I embarked on a 6-week European journey of a lifetime. Never in my life have I ever been so enthralled with a culture other than my own. Ever corner brought me to a new discovery, a new language, a new tidbit of history. This trip solidified my passion for travel and from that moment I vowed to incorporate it into every aspect of my life.


Much to no ones surprise, higher education has consumed most late teens and early 20s, ultimately only adding to my wanderlust. So in 2014, I applied to study abroad in London for 6 months. This was my first solo-trip abroad, and it is where I made the most amazing life long friends and memories along the way. Then in May of 2015 I graduated from Roger Williams University with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, and double Minors in Political Science and Government and Psychology.


Graduating, once again left me with a longing and desire to explore the areas of the world that I left unturned. So in September of 2015, I packed my bags once again and embarked on an year-long bender in Edinburgh, Scotland, where I was to get my Masters Degree. Here I met some of the most influential and down-to-Earth people, travelled to some of the most beautiful and breathtaking places in the world, and all while graduating from the world-renowned University of Edinburgh. In November of 2015 I obtained a Master of Science with Merit in Global Crime, Security, and Justice. My concentration being in Human Rights, specifically Women's Rights and produced a dissertation titled: 'Their Culture, Our Culture': Stopping Honour-Based Violence Before It Becomes a Killing. 


All of this leading to my first adventure of 2017, where I will be joining the Peace Corps as a Community Services and Health Education Volunteer. I will be stationed in the Republic of Ghana for 27 months. Through this amazing opportunity, I hope that I will be able to continue to explore all that the world has to offer, whilst doing something that I am truly passionate about.


This new adventure has lead me to this blog, for I want to share with you all of my adventures, my triumphs, and my struggles, though this two year process. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy sharing it with you. And always remember: 'Choose The Joy and Press On.'

   WHO AM I   



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