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50 Personal Goals That Your Girl Needs to Fulfill~

To be honest, I don’t know how to start this blog post—I don’t know if it’s because it will be rather personal or if it’s because I think this post, out of any, people most likely cannot be fucked (excuse my Scottish) to read. In saying this though, I think I want to share this post because I want y'all to be with me on this journey from start to finish. I want you to be with me through my struggles, through my triumphs and most of all through my setbacks. 

So, without further ado, this post will outline the personal goals that I want to set out to achieve over the next two years. A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of visiting my site (which will be my new home for the next two years) and even though the visit was extremely short, I was able to learn so much. Not only about myself and what I want to accomplish over the next two years, but also about the community and the people I will call my family and friends for the next 27 months. It was during this visit that I saw some of my strengths highlighted and some of my weaknesses showcased. 

While these ups and downs were most likely only noticed by me, I still wanted to make them known, because I think that they can all learn from experiences like these. So, for this post, I want to highlight some of the things that I want to achieve in these next two years. Some of them are to benefit the community I will be living in, some to strengthen myself, and some to uplift those who I haven’t even met yet.


                        Personal Goals 

1. Learn to interact silently with people. Once we realize that words aren’t and should never be the only source of communication, the sooner we will be able to understand each other better. 

2. Choose to learn a lesson from each and every failure (personal or workwise)—don’t let it eat you up inside. 

3. Patience- get and receive. 

4. Grasp the concept that my way isn’t the only or best way to complete a task. 

5. Get in shape- like in 2-years you can get a 6-pack or be able to run faster than a lion—right?? 

6. Learn to love those who might not always deserve it. It takes a lot more effort to hate, so just spread the love y’all.

7. Be able to have a full conversation, not just introduce myself, in the Dagaare (the local language).

8. Learn a traditional dance—I’m like too excited for this one!

9. Share my experience- the good AND the bad with people from home. (Peace Corps Third Goal!!) 

10. Stop chasing those who don’t deserve your attention. Don’t waste your time on those who don’t bring light to your life.

11. Learn to fight through the uncomfortableness. 

12. Learn to bite my tongue. If what you’re going to say isn’t going to rectify the problem, then maybe it shouldn’t be said. 

13. Learn to speak up for myself/others when I am usually inclined to be silent.

14. Value the power of daily greetings. Even a smile can brighten someone’s day. 

15. Refuse to compare my current situation with that of my past situations. One is incomparable to the other, you’re a different person in a different situation. 

16. Learn to live without. 

17. Slow down. 

18. Become humbler. 

19. Become more McGevyer-esque (We all know this isn’t a real word, but it should be.) 

20. Be okay with making mistakes.

21. Realize that not everything/everyone will be quick/speedy—time isn’t always of the essence. It’s a Ghanaian minute, not a New York minute. 

22. Gender roles—what I see as gender inequality, might not be the case for others—tradition and culture always needs to be factored in. Don’t be stubborn and assume before all the facts have presented themselves. 

23. Understand and recognize that just because I don’t support a case does not mean it is unimportant— ‘Not my way, doesn’t mean the highway’ 

24. Realize that being away from my friends and family isn’t just hard on me, but also on those who I left behind. 

25. …and not everyone will miss me—being here, doing what I’m doing does not make me everyone’s ‘hero’. 

26. Beat solitaire! —like this should be number 1, but it’s fine. 

  27. Internalize how lucky I am—to be here in this moment, on this journey. 

28. Don’t be afraid to say YES—experience it ALL. 

29. Allow for the small things to also take my breath away. 

30. Understanding that I can’t fix everything and everyone. I am here to facilitate change, not solve world hunger. 

31. Realize that it is out of my control to please everyone—you are not superwoman. 

32. Learn a craft—soap making, cooking (LOL), sewing, water sachet bags, etc. 

33. Live in the moment. 

34. Make a child smile. 

35. Make an adult smile. 

36. ‘Adopt’ a baby and watch them grow over the next two years. 

37. Learn how to fend for myself. 

38. Read more. 

39. Complain less.

40. Learn to love myself more. 

41. Don’t burn bridges. 

42. Learn to value people’s opinion/feelings more. 

43. Understand that if a project fails—it does not mean that I AM a failure. 

44. Drink less alcohol. 

45. Drink more water. 

46. Think outside the box and my own comfort zone. 

47. Write more letters. 

48. Rely on technology less. 

49. Understand that I can only help those who want to be helped. 

50. Choose the Joy & Press On. 


Yeah, so that’s really all I can think of right now, I’m sure that will change in the months to come. But if you guys can think of any good ones that you practice feel free to send them my way! I have two years to become a better, more kick-ass human being so like let’s do this thing!!

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